
This is going well

Welp, It’s only been 3 months since my last blogpost! Such much for getting back to writing more regularly.

In the aftermath of my post about loneliness I said things were looking up and I had a plan to try and improve the situation. And I did, really! But knowing what I should do and actually doing it are two different things. Work got busy. I got sick, had an (unrelated) minor operation, then got injured. Kids had football to go to, school holidays, and birthdays. My OU course hit it’s peak for the year. The excuses and the stress just builds on top of each other.

In the end, all the things I told myself I’d try and do, like get back to the local running club, go to some local folk sessions or try to get together with friends more often to play games, just haven’t happened. I spent ages fretting about my online branding and renaming my Twitch channel, then haven’t had time to stream since.

To paraphrase Jurassic Park – Life, uh, gets in the way.

I did find some time to do another linocut print:

Even that was over a month ago now and I haven’t done any more. It’s really frustrating.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though. My uni module is coming to an end over the next weeks and the pressure in my day job is easing off as well. I seem to have recovered from my knee injury (pathetically inflicted walking down the stairs at home) and have managed to start running again. I’ve even managed to use some firm self control and some calorie counting to start losing a bit of weight. I figure if I can get rid of some of the weight I’ve put on since the pandemic that might help reduce my back issues and other injuries.

Hopefully this all sticks and I can get enough momentum to start hitting the running club meetups again. I’ve got a three times deferred race entry for the local half-marathon coming up in July too, so that’s giving me a strict goal to train for. If things keep going well I might enter some more races to push me through the rest of the year.

With uni winding down for the year, I hope I can get some more time to do more arty stuff. Be it lino printing or painting Warhammer again. There’s a new Ork codex with my name on it so I need to get some of my forlorn pile of shame painted up and get some games on the go. I should also manage to get some time to do some Twitch streams again for the half a dozen people that have ever watched one. I’m wary though of over committing myself to projects that I will never find the motivation or time to complete!

Which brings me to another thing that’s been playing on my mind lately. I think it’s pretty to me now that I probably have inattentive ADHD, and have always had it. Which explains why I bounce around so many (god, so many) hobbies and struggle to build any momentum. What I need to decide is should I do anything about it? But I think that’s a whole separate blogpost.

Anyway I’m going to leave it there for now, with a promise not to leave it so long until the next post. If you’re reading this, thanks for sticking around. Go watch Fallout on Prime if you haven’t already. I saw the first episode the other night and it was fantastic.